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So cool!


Made a video


dang this is good


Nice job on this!  Great artwork, smooth motion and physics, nice parallax, and great variety of obstacles and items.  The log mechanic in particular was fun to use.  

You might consider having a look-ahead on your camera and having the camera zoomed out further (or dynamically zoom out as speed picks up).  The speed is part of the fun in this game, but the game became a memorization-of-pattern challenge (rather than reacting to obstacles/terrain) because I couldn't see ahead of me.  When my player moved into new areas of the game, it felt like luck on my jumps if I survived.

The core of the game is great and it was fun to play -- nice!

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Thanks for the feedback! We'll take this in consideration when we'll update the game!


Great art! Everything feels really fast, though. Is this because of a framerate issue, or is the game just really hyper-paced?

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Hi! The fact everything is pretty fast is because the player can choose different ways to complete a level and you may not slow down, in some levels there are some snowdrifts that will slowdown the player and there are also logs that can help. Some things that can impact speed are:

- how much you have been in air




Wow this is beautiful!


Hey! Thanks for the feedback! We'll considerate making easier levels and maybe add a more detailed tutorial that explains game mechanics better!